I just took a moment to Google my name. Not a typical Saturday afternoon pursuit, but it’s a very wet, rainy day here in Seattle… There I am (www.fredjanssen.com) in the number 2 and number 3 spots out of more than 1.1 million results (and my site has only been live since April)! I wanted to bring attention to this for two reasons:
First to brag on behalf of Ian Lurie and the folks at Portent Interactive ; the internet marketing agency that designed and built this site. They are the team with the Right Stuff!
Second to point out the ‘value’ of choosing the right people for the job, and of measuring your ROI based on results that may lie beyond the obvious. In this case an attractive web site versus an attractive web site that results in top rankings. Another example of how value and price are two different things – something I will write more about in upcoming posts.
Thanks Ian!
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